Today we finish our series titled Everyday Disciples, looking at how we live our lives everyday as true disciples of Jesus Christ. This week we see the role of hospitality. How simple it is to just invite people over and live your faith in the open. We'll see how Hospitality should be geared toward strangers and unbelievers. Many people met Jesus at a dinner table. Are they meeting him at your dinner table?
This week we are continuing our series titled Everyday Disciples: Being Like Jesus in Everyday Life. Today we are looking at our witness. What is the number 1, sure fire way, to have a strong witness and to live as a disciple of Christ in our everyday life? We'll find out together.
We are now in the third week of our series titled "Everyday Disciples: Being Like Jesus in Everyday Life." Today we talk about what it looks like to be a disciple where you live. In your own neighborhood. Your home can be a headquarters for local mission. If you know your neighbors. If you don't, I encourage you to take a tangible step this week to get to know one of your neighbors.
We are continuing our series titled Everyday Disciple: Being like Jesus in everyday life. Today we look at being a disciple in our workplace. What would that look like? How can we serve Jesus at and through our job?
August 2024