This week we look at the third week in our Going Vertical series. We'll be looking at How to Keep Prayer Fresh. If you are anything like me, there are times that our time spent in prayer is a little dull, a little hard to keep your eyes open. How do you keep it new? We look at an idea or two, so join us Sunday as we look at How to Keep Prayer Fresh.
This is our second week in our new series on prayer. We started last week by answering the question, “Why Pray?” Today, we ask another question, and I hope the answers will be just as clear. How do we learn to pray so that our prayers will be effective, so we can expect an answer to our prayers, so we know that God is at the other end?
This week we’re are starting a series called Going Vertical and it’s about prayer. It’s a six-week series on the mysteries of prayer. We’re going to find out about prayer. We’re going to find out about what the Bible says about prayer, what it is, how we can pray, how we can pray for ourselves, how we can pray for others, how we can listen to God, and how we can develop a strong relationship with God through prayer
This week, Pastor Steve looks at the concept of giving. I know, it seems like the church is always talking about money, well, some churches might. But the truth is, churches talk about money because Jesus talked about money. And the Bible is very clear on a couple forms of giving that all of us probably do, but our message this week really clarifies why we give. We'll see Biblical reasons to give. So, Let's Give...
December 2024