This week on the church calendar is the fourth week of Easter, and we'll be looking at the image of Jesus being the good shepherd. Unlike those who run away when the going gets tough, Jesus lays down his life for the sake of those who trust in him.
This week we see again the risen Jesus appearing before His disciples. Can believe that He really did? Can we believe that someone who was dead can really be risen from the dead? Can we believe in the resurrection? Can our unseeing eyes see the truth in what happened? This week we'll see that Jesus ate with his disciples to show that he is physically present, in fulfillment of the Scripture’s promise. He really did physically and actually rise from the dead, and this was part of God’s plan all along, for your salvation.
Today we look at Thomas, yea, "Doubting Thomas", that's the one. Or did he get a bum rap? Jesus breathes on his disciples and gives them the Holy Spirit, a gift that remains for us today. Trust that Jesus’s words to his disciples are words to you, and receive the work of the Holy Spirit again.
This is the Easter Message, where we look at the incredible hope that available through the Resurrection Power each believer has. We look at the story of Easter, and the unique ending of the Gospel of Mark to see what it says to us ordinary folks...
August 2024