Today, we start a loosely based series, just spending the next three weeks in the book of 1st Peter. Today, we'll see the great hope we have in Jesus Christ as our Lord. In a day when hope is fleeting at times, our hope in Jesus transcends all other hope, bringing about our spiritual birth, bring about an inheritance in heaven that will never perish, spoil or fade, filling us with unending joy, and bring about the salvation of our souls. If you like the message, please give it a thumbs up.
Today, Leroy Woodruff brings us a message titled Tradition or Commandent? He looks at those things we do and discusses whether they are truly commanded by God, or just a tradition we do everyweek.
Today we are in our final week of the series titled Cool Christianity. This four-week series reminds us of the true purpose of authentic Christianity and why we are called to live radically different lives from the culture around us. In contrast to the ultracool cultural Christian church stereotypes we see in the media, authentic Christians serve, sacrifice, submit, and seek God’s kingdom first rather than their own. Today, I hope we will see that a Christian seeks God's Kingdom first.
Today we are in our third week of the series titled Cool Christianity. This four-week series reminds us of the true purpose of authentic Christianity and why we are called to live radically different lives from the culture around us. In contrast to the ultracool cultural Christian church stereotypes we see in the media, authentic Christians serve, sacrifice, submit, and seek God’s kingdom first rather than their own. Today, I hope we will see that a Christian submits to God and others. Submitting to God is a key to being a Christian. Let's watch together... If you like it, please hit like and subscribe!
December 2024