This week we are once again in 1 Corinthians, this week looking at at chapter 8:1-13. We're looking to see how we might become stumbling blocks to others living their faith, or maybe just coming to faith. Paul talks about meat offered to idols, but the principals he discusses can be used to identify other stumbling blocks we may put in the way. Tell me what you think...
Sermons from Waverly First Baptist Church. Pastor Steve Dygert. This week we're continuing in 1 Corinthians, looking at a passage that talks about marriage, but the section we're looking at talks about how short the time is. Jesus is coming back, and Paul thought it was immenent. What can we learn from this?
This week we are starting a five-week look at 1 Corinthians. Today we'll see a bit of the cultural context into what Corinth was like in the first century, as well some of what Paul is telling them in our reading. We'll see that while we have great freedom in Christ, we can't let anything master us - Christ is our Master. We'll also see that we are not our own, that everything we do affects others, and that we were bought for a price.
Sermons from Waverly First Baptist Church. Pastor Steve Dygert. This week is Baptism Sunday, the Sunday we look at the baptism of Jesus, and what baptism really means. We'll look at some ties to the Old Testament, how it got started, then we'll see what John the Baptist did, as well as what we are encouraged to do as beleivers today.
December 2024