This morning, Leroy Woodruff is giving us a message that looks at the statement that God will never give you more than you can bear. We hear that statement from time to time, but is it really true? Leroy examines it in his message this morning.
This week we are looking at Jesus' appearing on the Road to Emmaus on what we've come to call Resurrection Sunday. The women have reported that the tomb is empty, yet these two disciples have left to go home. Why? We'll look into who they are, where they are going, and what we can learn from this encounter.
Every year, the Revised Common Lectionary lists this passage in John 20 as the Gospel reading for the week after Easter. It's the story of Thomas, and his refusal to beleive that Jesus has risen from the dead. So we look at Thomas this week, to get a better idea who he was, and who he became, through faith in his Lord and his God.
Today is Easter Sunday, and jump out of the Gospels for a week to see an exchange between Cornelius, a Gentile, and Peter. In this exchange, we see a very clear presentation of the Good News that is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. As we think of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem on what has become known as Palm Sunday, knowing what comes just five days later, we wonder why the crowds had turned so against Him. That's our topic today.
December 2024