Today we continue our sermon series for the season of Lent where we are looking at the signs in the Gospel of John that show that Jesus is the Messiah. The signs in the Gospel of John show the way to new life in Jesus. Today we examine the story of the healing of a man born blind. Jesus is the Light of the World. We'll also see the importance, when you encounter suffering, to focus on compassion rather than judgment.
Today we continue our sermon series for the season of Lent where we are looking at the signs in the Gospel of John that show that Jesus is the Messiah. The signs in the Gospel of John show the way to new life in Jesus. Today we examine the story of the healing of the paralytic who had been so for thirty-eight years! This story shows us how Jesus seeks out the lost to heal and to save.
Today we continue our sermon series for the season of Lent, we'll be looking at the signs in the Gospel of John that show that Jesus is the Messiah. The signs in the Gospel of John show the way to new life in Jesus. Jesus heals the officials son, He shows that God is generous with His grace. Do you beleive that God has heard you? Or do you need signs and wonders to believe?
Today we start a new series for the season of Lent, we'll be looking at the signs in the Gospel of John that show that Jesus is the Messiah. The signs in the Gospel of John show the way to new life in Jesus. When Jesus turned water into wine, he showed his presence in the ordinary moments of everyday life.
December 2024