This week is Pentecost Sunday, the day we remember the Holy Spirit coming on, or perhaps, into, the disciples. They were in the upper room, and when the Spirit came, they were driven out into the streets preaching the Good News. Today we'll look at why, at the fire, the passion, and the power that led them as they served Jesus. And we'll see how we might develop our faith to best serve Jesus with that same fire, passion and power.
This week is Ascension Sunday, the day we remember Jesus going back into the heavens. We'll look at what it meant for the discioples, and we'll see what it means for us. What are we to do with the knowledge that Jesus is back in heaven? Now what are we to do?
Sometimes life seems anything but peaceful. We hurry from place to place, we rush around trying to get everything done, we feel anxious, but we don't feel peace. Yet peace is one of those promises that God makes to us. So how do we get from here to there? How do find that peace that Jesus promised?
This week we examine the question of our role in the Kingdom of Heaven. What can we know about our role in heaven, and how to get there, and even a little about what we ought be doing until we get there. Let me know what you think?
August 2024