Sermons from Waverly First Baptist Church, Waverly, NY. Today we start a new sermon series titled The Creed. In this series we'll learn the oldest confession of our faith. The Apostles’ Creed. The Apostles’ Creed is an ecumenical creed, with Christians from nearly every branch of the faith agreeing with its contents. But it is more than a historic document: it is an accurate representation of our faith. In many ways, this is Christianity 101. We will better understand what we believe as Christians, and we'll have confidence by understanding the foundations of that belief.
Sermons from Waverly First Baptist Church, Waverly, NY. This week, Dave Cross fills our pulpit. Looking at Philippians 4, he identifies some guidelines we all can use to have a joyful life.
Sermon from Waverly First Baptist Church, Waverly, NY. Each year we celebrate the 4th of July, but I wonder if we really remember the sacrifices made when they declared their independence. We don't often struggle with being too dependent. In fact, maybe we should all declare a dependence day - declaring our dependence on Jesus as our king of kings.
In an always-connected world, we needn’t sugarcoat it: disconnecting and finding solitude is hard. But it is also necessary. Through the additional spiritual practices of journaling, sharing meals, and observing communion, we can experience rest and life with God.
December 2024